LAboratory for FUture GAstronomy
a unique gathering of people that share a heartfelt concern about the future of food. The culinary perspective is often overlooked in the scientific debate on food systems transformation.
This retreat is designed to investigate the role of taste in food systems, because ‘liking’ is a motor of food choices.
Introducing the Harmony principles: a “tool” to overcome the mechanistic thinking that has led our society down the current path. Circularity, zero waste, food identity, and umami will be subject to discussion. And we’ll look at plastic. Is it an environmental hazard or industrial breakthrough? We will illustrate the importance of complexity-thinking. Also we will explore and debate the future of bio polymers.
We are what we eat. And today our food choices influenced by industrialization. Both on the agricultural and food production side. Here the focus has been on quantity, safety and affordability. There are obvious advantages, but traditional values, cultures and especially taste have been compromised. How can we grow and prosper and at the same time stay in balance? We will take a look at sociological yet transdisciplinary theory, FermentNation, as well as the T.A.S.T.E. theory. Workshops on sustainable farming, plant-based meat and fermentation as an amazing food transformative tool are a part of the program. Because our gut and brain are connected. And we are individuals – so approaches and knowledge needs to be applicable on a personal level.
Balance is a key concept within the Harmony philosophy. The current systems are out of balance and we are out of sync with the foods that we consume. Reconnecting to ourselves and to the food that we eat is essential for living in harmony with the planet. Explore how your sense of taste can become your guide in the choice of food, creating a nutritious power cycle that drives your health and happiness. In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, transformative leaders are needed. Workshops on meditation and mental aspects are part of learning to become a transformative leader.
The final day is all about understanding, reflecting, absorbing and experiencing the whole range of resources nature gives – in us and around us. Starting off with a morning hike to Sarntal’s most spiritual place, joining forces in the turnips picking to make a traditional Rueben kraut. A tradition that Gregor, Mattia and the team at Bad Schörgau will turn into a party, with music and wine to create the proper atmosphere and coming together in breakout ideas and projects that can propel LaFuGa further in the years to come.
The price is intended for:
The price is intended for:
LaFuGa is a global association of forward-thinking people from the core of gastronomy. Our members are convinced that taste has the power to spark the transformation of food systems. Food systems are complex and research in this field requires a transdisciplinary approach. LaFuga has the ambition to act as a link between research and field work. Scientists, chefs, managers and consumers are brought together. Thinking and doing are connected. As a community, insights, expertise and knowledge are shared with all those on a way for the greater good of food. Change can and must happen.
The La-FuGa international retreat is welcoming people from all walks of life to learn, connect and participate. Leading influencers across multiple disciplines, from science, to sociology, anthropology, medicine and gastronomy will share their insights and will inspire you to give yours. It will be a truly transdisciplinary experience.
Food systems transformation needs the culinary perspective
Climate change is the greatest existential challenge of our age. Behavioral changes are needed and time is fast running out. Food choices are largely involved. What people eat and drink has become increasingly industrialized, both in agriculture and in food production. Industrialization has positive effects and evidently, the global consumer likes the foods and drinks that the food system delivers. Nevertheless, the global food system is dysfunctional. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) reports it from the agricultural side. There is more regression than progression in reaching the targets that were set to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The World Health Organization (WHO) of the UN reports serious concerns about the relation between food consumption and the increase in lifestyle related diseases.
Academics basically agree about the need for food systems transformation. The food system is the result of the choices that people make. In general, consumers are satisfied with the foods that they currently buy: they are Convenient, Affordable and Tasty (C.A.T.). In order to alter food behavior behavior, food choices that are better for the people and the planet also need to be C.A.T. Liking is a motor of food choices. Deliciousness and liking are a vital part of solving the challenges in the food system. Consequently, the culinary perspective is needed in transforming the food system. Culinarians of all sorts are needed in making better food choices that are found to be just as C.A.T. as the ones people currently make.
LaFuGa, LAboratory for FUture GAstronomy, organizes an international retreat to introduce the culinary perspective in the academic debate. LaFuGa is a global association of forward thinking people from the core of gastronomy. Its members are convinced that taste has the power to spark the transformation of food systems. Scientists from different disciplines, chefs, managers and consumers are brought together. Thinking and doing are connected. The retreat will take place from 3th – 6th of November 2021 at the best imaginable place: Bad Schörgau, Sarnthein, Italy. You can find the program below.
Putzen-Pozza, 24,
Sarentino BZ
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