Colleen Wilcox
Uniformity and globalization are important ingredients of the present food system.
Yet, diversity interdependency and harmony are essential traits of eco-systems.
By disrespecting the basic principles of harmony in natural systems,
we have turned ecosystems into a mal-functioning EGO-system.
We believe in working in harmony with nature and research for systemic solutions to our society’s challenges. LaFuGa can’t wait to sow the seeds of information.
Use LaFuGa Community to create exceptional partnerships with Companies that share your exact point of view and have similar goals.
LaFuGa will release refresher courses for teachers to update their lessons and find answers to their upcoming challenges in an interdisciplinary way.
The School will have a more significant impact on the market, having on its side an International movement. A partnership with LaFuGa will allow the students and teachers access to highly advanced fermentation techniques accurately explained in our courses and masterclasses. There is also a system for internships and finding new jobs within the community to allow students to have impressive growth in their career path from their first steps.
and contribute to our projects and association.
As a supporter, you not only do good for our nature and our future,
you’ll also get discounts on our events or associated courses.
Author of a fermentation book for chefs,
R&D chief of the garum project and chef de cuisine at Bad-Schörgau.
We are at a unique stage of our history. Never before we have had such an awareness of what we are doing to ourselves and the planet, it’s time to act!
Click here
We are sorry for the inconveniance but we are still updating this section. The visionary team is composed of 12 people selected out of the entire movement that counts more than 80 international experts.
Putzen-Pozza, 24,
Sarentino BZ
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